Heemaal News Network

Hogaamiyaha Awdal State Oo Ka Hadlay Qafaalashada Dalinta Gobolka Awdal

Awdal State Movement leader, Dr Ali Ibrahim Bahar talked about Awdal situation, especially the mass arrest after January 7. he specified that the support of the Somali people as well as that of the federal government is vital at this crucial moment in our history.

Mawduucyo Laga Yaabo In Aad Xiisaynayso

Sanatar Deeqo Cod-yare:-”Heshiiska aan Maanta Ansixinay waxuu Difaac u yahay Baddeena Awdal.


Booliiska Muqdisho Oo Qabtay Burcad iyaga dhac Geesanaya CCTV kaamira Duubtay (Sawirro)


Madaxwayne Xasan Sheekh Oo Farmaajo kula Kulamay Magalada Doha Ee Qadar
